Huwebes, Marso 6, 2014

Being Aware Of The Key Reason Why People Fluctuate Diet And The Things We May Do To Reduce This

How many diets have you "failed" at?

If you imitate most of us, a lot more than one. Maybe many greater than one.

But, it's not if you fail or how many times you fail that counts.

It's how you handle failure that matters finally.

The Same Coin

Failure and success are two sides of the same coin.

Consider pretty much everything in life. You almost never have success without failure.

You learned to walk by falling down 100's or even 1,000's of times. But you never believed a failure and were never labeled as a failure.

Mom and Dad kept encouraging you and you kept moving up and trying repeatedly until you realized it right.

You learned to read by ruining your alphabet enough times to finally cotton right. By botching writing out the letters 'till you got them right. By juice plus distributor misspelling and misreading the words until you got them right. The mistakes abounded. But you were never a failure - you were just learning.

Same with riding a bike, driving a car, playing a sport, dating, for gosh sakes. Choosing a career or a mate, perhaps.

Life is a research and development process where failure and success are two sides of the same coin.

What's Different About Dieting?

In some ways dieting is the same and in some ways it's different from most other things.

It's the same because failure and success should quadrate - 2 sides of the same coin.

It's different because, let's admit it, you don't really intend to diet primarily. And you probably have negative thoughts and feelings about dieting.

Everyone intends to walk, read, drive a car, and have a great career and a great mate. No person chooses to diet

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